Monday, June 9, 2008

You want me to perform to FUNK?!

It’s pretty exciting to be collaborating with a few different groups this year for the show. One of them is a popular local band who’ll be providing live music for us. Our director gave me their music for my MP3 the other day and I spent a bit of time listening to their albums – yes albumS, they have produced about four and I haven’t even heard their music AND I’m a local. I did feel a little guilty about that. It didn’t take long before I realized these guys were a ‘funk’ band! Think John Butler Trio and The Cat Empire but at a constantly uplifting, fast pace. “How on earth am I supposed to do a Tissu routine to this?!” I thought, madly going from song to song hoping there was something with at least a slightly slowish tempo that I could work with. Tissu routines are typically slow paced using moody, haunting tunes. As I reached their last album I found myself compromising on the most mellow and least vocal track. I hoped that meant that the musical parts could be extended and possibly slowed down slightly to make it easier to perform to.

Of course my decision will probably change, last year I changed my mind about the music around four times before being swayed by the composer at the last minute to go back to my original choice of track. It’s good to be given a choice but sometimes I think it would be easier to just be told what to do…within reason.

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