The hard thing is having to let my old car go. It's been such a good car, 100% reliable, taking me through flood waters and up and down the Stuart Highway across the NT and interstate for work and uni. It never complained and soldiered on. If it were human it'd probably be wondering what it did wrong. It's sitting in the spare car park at the moment right next to the new car and I feel guilty every time I see it waiting there. The only reason I got the new car is because I figured I can afford an upgrade and my old car was about to hit 300,000kms - I thought it was timely to find a new owner.
One of my collegues who's a committed bike commuter was the only person who raised her eyebrows when I mentioned the proposed new purchase, mostly because I live and work in the city and I ride to work. I think she's worried I'm going to want to drive to work again. But I'm still excited about the new bike so I'll be keen on riding to work for a while longer.